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July 29, 2020   |   Tagged Parenting,

A Gift Parents Can Give During COVID-19 Pandemic

Tough minded parenting

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child during this pandemic is the gift of a positive mood. In fact, according to studies done on school-age children, the significant majority of kids exhibited healthier behavior from a parent who worked more and interacted with a great mood than a parent who worked less and had a negative mood. Children need parents who lead the home with a peaceful, joyful, and happy mood. A positive mood is not the same as an elated or over-inflated mood. Cultivating a daily, quality good mood that is neither too negative nor too frenetic but centered and joyful is a daily dedication.

This can be a challenge. Fatigue, anger, anxiety, frustration can affect our mood.

One good piece of advice is:

Recognize quickly what mood you are in and be very conscious how your mood affects your decision making and interactions in the home.

When you find yourself in a bad mood, focus on ways to become present. Identify what you can be grateful for-- what you can see, hear, taste, touch; for the simple things in life, for the gift of being alive. Focus on what you love right now about your child. Your foul mood will tempt you to be critical and angry. Stay away from comparison or trying to decide future plans.

When you find yourself in a great mood, learn from the past. Being in a good mood is the best place to navigate the struggles of the past with discernment and you will be more likely to be more forgiving of yourself and others and open to learning from your mistakes. This is a good time to revisit ways to become a better parent from patterns of the past.

When you find yourself in a peaceful and hopeful mood, set goals for the future. Decision making about your future in a bad mood will cause your pessimism to cloud your insight. When you are in a euphoric mood, also be careful about your decision making as you may regret your decision making after your elevated mood has dissipated. When you make decisions in a more peaceful and calm mood, one which is neither negative nor elated, you are in a space to make clear decisions.

Your commitment to a daily, positive, calm, and hopeful mood will be one of the greatest examples to your children and will help create a home of health and joy. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children during this pandemic.

About NBC Basketball

NBC Basketball is about helping athletes become great players, leaders, and people. This program focuses on development of the intrinsic qualities of mental toughness, compassion, grit, tenacity, follow-through, positivity, generosity, humility, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. NBC Basketball has developed a powerful online training program to provide athletes hope, encouragement, and tools to build their skills during the pandemic. For more information about NBC Basketball visit www.nbccamps.com.

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