June 01, 2023 | Tagged Coaching,
Are You Building Basketball Talent

Key questions to answer and evaluate when trying to build basketball talent.
Everyone wants to be talented but talent development has to be intentional work. Elevate your basketball talent by making commitments to these crucial areas. Here is an acronym you can use to help remember what you need to build your basketball talent.
Time-- Time is money.
You only have so much time. Every minute you spend is a choice.
Sleep costs you around 8-10 hours
Eating and basic living costs you around 1-2 hours
School costs you around 7 hours
What will you do with the remaining hours?
Fact: the average person spends 35 hours per week watching TV.
What do you waste your time doing?
What’s the best use of your time?
Attitude--- At NBC Camps attitude is king. If you walk on the basketball court with a bad attitude, whatever happens will be worthless because your talent won’t grow. Serious skill development requires a seriously committed attitude.
Rate your attitude for the following:
- Learning new skills
- Working hard
- Pushing yourself
- Working with a team
- Doing something difficult
- Doing something that isn’t much fun
Lodestar: This means the star that leads the way. Talent development requires a lodestar, a person you imitate and work to be like. Having someone to model and emulate is crucial to building talent.
Who is your lodestar for building basketball talent?
Electrify: The body builds skills through sending electronic impulses along something called Myelin. The more myelin you have, the faster the electronic signal will travel. Myelin is built through deep practice.
Deep practice requires the ability to slow down a skill so that every movement is perfectly correct.
Rate your deep practice methods:
- You willingly and enthusiastically repeat a skill over and over until you can’t get it wrong.
- You practice specific skills every day.
- You have a workout plan written down.
- Your goals are posted somewhere you can see them.
- You have someone or a group you meet with weekly who holds you accountable to your practice goals.
What is your Electric factor?
Nth degree: Extreme, the highest, the ultimate.
How badly do you want your goals? The answer to this question will be the answer to how hard you push yourself and how far you develop your talent.
What is your nth degree factor?
Tenacity: It means to never quit. Remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn. 1st phase change, everyone works hard right after camp. 2nd phase change is what really counts, it means you will still be committed to developing your talents long after camp is over.
- Do you get discouraged when skill building is slow and difficult?
- Do you compare your improvement to those around you?
- Do you feel like giving up when the skills don’t come as easily as you wish?
The talented are tenacious. They never give up. They don’t compare, they don’t get flustered by good days or bad days, they stay the course and keep working hard.
What is your tenacity factor?
Your talent is in your hands. How you develop your talent is your choice.
About NBC Basketball
NBC Basketball offers camps, travel teams, clinics, and other training to help you make big improvements in your basketball skills and leadership ability. Getting better is a choice and NBC Basketball focuses on giving athletes tools to mentally overcome obstacles in talent development. For more information about NBC Basketball visit www.nbccamps.com/basketbal