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November 17, 2021   |   Tagged Motivation,

Simple Ways to Have a Great Year outside of Basketball

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Basketball is a great sport, but life is more than basketball. When basketball becomes the only way we live as a person, we can get out of balance. It's important to stay hungry and love the game but also to have perspective and a well-rounded life. Want to have a momentous year? Here are a few simple ways to make sure your year is off to a great start. Our daily habits reveal our future.

a. Time for prayer and reflection each day is crucial. This is your sacred space to set your daily intention, connect with God, and remember what matters and what doesn’t.

b. Value what is priceless. A loyal friend, a wise mentor, a meaningful conversation, a hearty laugh, a good sweat during a tough workout—all these are priceless.

c. 93 percent of what we think about is waste—judgment, bitterness, comparison, addiction, blame, anger, all move us from our goals and from our best selves. The best thoughts you can think are full of gratitude.

d. You were created on purpose for a purpose. You are not more loved or more valuable for what you do.

e. Scott M. Peck author of The Road Less Traveled considered laziness as the greatest sin because we place personal comfort above love and service. How is this true for you?

f. C.S. Lewis author of Mere Christianity considered pride/ego as the greatest sin because we make ourselves the center of our world and so step outside the realm of love into narcissism. How is this true for you?

g. Encouragement is oxygen. Encourage means to speak courage to someone else -- courage that gives someone the ability to be their best and most true self. Anyone can say what doesn’t work, but the great leader knows how to build and close the gap between what is right now and what could be in the future through the power of encouragement.

About NBC Camps
NBC Camps started in 1971 with the mission of building stronger players and better people. Better does not mean perfect but it means to live in such a way, that our lives reflect the values of leadership, mental toughness, gratitude, resilience, hope, and faith. To learn more about NBC Camps visit: www.nbccamps.com.

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