December 01, 2024 | Tagged Coaching,
Preparing for Basketball Season-Coaching Advice

Key ways to develop your team leadership
The most challenging seasons are the ones that leave you unprepared. According to research on preparing for big seasons and events, one of the most effective tools are practice tests. Tests are not pleasant for most people but the more you can love tests and challenges, the more prepared you will be. Self-testing is an important discipline for coaches. The best testing is practice testing with immediate feedback. Learning in isolation does not advance skill. Have a mentor coach come and observe a practice while following a specific observation plan – this is a great tool. Here is an outline for your mentor coach to use in his or her evaluation.
- What is the energy in the gym and the level of intensity your coaching inspires?
- How quickly does your team follow through on your instructions?
- How effective are your drills—everyone is engaged, involved, and working to improve?
- How efficient is your practice?
- How much time wasted?
- Where is the emphasis of your practice?
- What is the take-away of the practice and can each player articulate them?
- Do your written goals for the practice match the outcome?
The word prepare has a serious or even cautionary tone to it. It is the discipline to make plans for a future event. Think through your year, what are the significant events that you will face? Basketball season, exams, work projects? Most importantly, how do you prepare for the unexpected? Research shows those who have prepared mentally and spiritually for unexpected events handle hardship and adversity much differently than those who are totally unprepared. This month look at your daily habits. Are these habits preparing you to be a strong leader in crisis and placing you in the best position for life success?
About NBC Basketball
NBC Basketball offers intensive basketball skill training in summer camps, travel teams, day camps, overnight camps, pure shooting camps, position camps, and high school team camps. Teams come to NBC to improve their overall team unity, skill, and understanding of the game. An NBC Camps mantra if the team is only as good as its weakest player. NBC Camps started in 1971 and had grown to be in 6 countries. NBC stands for Nothing Beats Commitment and the belief that a person's daily habits reveal his or her future. For more information about NBC Basketball visit