May 18, 2023 | Tagged Coaching,
3 Ways to Lessen the Negative Impact of Others

Get serious about basketball
People can significantly impact our lives positively or negatively. Becoming wise at limiting the negative impact of others in our lives will help us become stronger basketball players and better people.
Negative people are contagious. They will bring you down. Limit and eliminate the negative people in your life. Negative people talk poorly about others. They often tell stories that are about other people’s failures or shortcomings. They are dream killers. They see everything that is not going right and they don’t work to make it better. Do not give negative people your time or your attention. If you have a negative person in your life you cannot escape, here are a few boundaries to set. 1. Limit your time (give only the required amount ) 2. Don't give their words value in your mind. Negative people have lost the right to have key counsel and therefore do not give them the place of key counsel 3. Be polite but firm and set boundaries. For example, if you have a coach who is very negative and criticizes you in public, schedule a meeting time. Meet face to face. Start with a few things you appreciate about your coach. Then create a boundary. Coach, I want to work hard for you and I will listen to you as a coach but if you choose to criticize and belittle me in practice in front of my teammates, I will no longer listen to what you are saying. I am open to your constructive ways I need to improve but if you attack me and demean me as a person, I will leave the gym and speak with a person who has authority over you. Power with compassion is a great tool for dealing with negative people. Learn to set a good boundary.
Create sanctuaries of strength and peace. In stress, your body will produce cortisol, which is defined by the Mayo Clinic as public enemy number one. Cortisol present in the bloodstream for prolonged periods of time creates anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory and concentration impairment. Create places in your life that you can be without stress. Remove stress inducers such as social media, news, difficult relationships, the pressure to perform and achievement anxiety.
Forgive. Bitterness is the poison you swallow attempting to harm someone else. Work to hold no grudge or bear no hatred for others in your life. Depending on the amount of harm you have experienced, this could be very difficult. Find a trusted mentor to help you to walk through forgiveness with wisdom.
NBC Basketball Camps
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