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March 18, 2024   |   Tagged Parenting,

How to Improve Your Stamina as a Parent

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Parenting Stamina

Here are two valuable tools to build your stamina in parenting. First, stamina is about oxygen and an oxygen deficiency in parenting is an encouragement deficit. At NBC Camps encouragement equals oxygen. When we are falling short, we need more positive, grateful, life-giving statements. Watch the room. If someone gives another person a direct compliment or word of inspiration, that person gets a dramatic burst of energy. They can run through a brick wall. Create spaces of "oxygen" aka encouragement in the home. A troubled relationship is one without oxygen. Start elevating the positives and things you appreciate about this person and watch the stamina in the relationship revitalize.

The second valuable tool is consistency, which means dedicated parenting on what matters every single time. The reason gambling is so addictive is the unpredictable nature that compels people to believe the next opportunity will be the breakthrough. In parenting, when you are unpredictable, you create children that will consistently test the boundary to achieve their desired breakthrough and their energy is higher than yours.

Parenting with stamina requires a crystal-clear line on what behavior and especially what attitude is acceptable in the home. Unacceptable attitude or behavior receives reasonable, effective, and consistent consequences every time. No yelling, drama, or debate. These drain your energy. Instead, a parent with stamina puts their energy toward positive encouragement, deep love, fair boundaries, consistent expectations, and dedicated follow-through.

Hey NBC parents,
We love you! An NBC parent loves what we love: grit, tenacity, character, the value and importance of faith, humility, and compassion. All these incredible qualities are what you aspire to in your children. Thank you for putting in the work and dedication to being a great parent. We understand how much work is required to be the best parents you can be. We support you in helping raise young men and women who lead the world by the quality of their lives and hearts.

About NBC Basketball
Since 1971, NBC Basketball has been training athletes on and off the court to succeed with their heart, mind and spirit. At NBC Camps we focus on training the total athlete with skill development, mental toughness, committed follow-through, and strong personal faith. For more information about this dynamic sports program visit www.nbccamps.com.

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