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August 24, 2021   |   Tagged Leadership,

NBC Camps 5 musts for back to school excellence

Basketball strong in the classroom

Success on the court requires success in the classroom if you want to be a college player. Here are some key ways to become basketball strong in the classroom.

Get more sleep

Help the transition into school by getting more sleep.
Research on sleep has found sleep deprivation can "impair a student-athletes IQ as much as lead exposure."*

When sixth graders received one hour less of sleep as part of sleep research, they performed at a fourth grade level. Teenagers experience even more significant correlation between performance and lack of sleep. Set a bedtime. Research recommends 9-10 hours of sleep for teenagers.* Also, note it takes 20 minutes for the average person to fall asleep so plan accordingly.


Pay attention to the four triggers for melt-down: (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired)

These four feelings require us to stop, "HALT," and take a break. Coming down after a long summer vacation, it's easy to feel hungry after being able to eat whenever you want, angry as you have less time and more work, lonely especially if you are entering a new school or your expectations for friendships don't work out. As you adjust to the new schedule, you will feel an increase in how tired you feel.

Be wise as student-athletes and parents to create plans to deal with the increase of hunger, anger, loneliness and fatigue.


Bullies are like MRSA (flesh-eating disease). You can't hope it will get better. Deal with it immediately. The first time you get bullied take a strong stand. Bullies grow stronger the more they get away with bullying. Have a plan in place with your parents or someone in authority at your school to handle bullying when it happens. Bullying will happen.

Create a plan-- the internet has many good suggestions for dealing with bullies such as avoiding areas bullies hang out, walking with a buddy, standing strong, don't bully back, use humor, speak out, tell an adult and more.

Make sure you have prepared how to handle bullying before it ever starts.


A key teaching theme at camp, delayed gratification means do the hard thing first. Make your school work a priority. Be willing to knock it out right after school or your after-school activity.

Take a quick snack break and get to work. Sit in a well-lit area and sit like you would at school. Laying on the couch will create a different recall effect than sitting at a desk. When working on your homework, pick the hardest subject first.


Be thankful for school. The more unthankful you are, the more entitled and unhappy you will be. Keep in mind school is a privilege not a punishment. The real punishment would be to remain ignorant and foolish. Make a list of what you are thankful for and put it on your mirror. Remember the law of attraction, if you are unthankful you will attract to yourself unthankful people. Hang out with whiners/complainers and that's how they will talk about you as well. Build relationships of gratitude and see your life grow stronger.

What kind of qualities do you want in a friend? Live it and you will find people with those qualities.

About NBC Basketball
Since 1971, NBC Basketball trains athletes for success on and off the court. Camps focus on skill mastery, basketball IQ, emotional intelligence, servant leadership and personal faith. For more information visit www.nbccamps.com

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