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September 06, 2023   |   Tagged Coaching,

Does Your Volleyball Team have Chemistry? Take the quiz to find out

Volleyball team chemistry

Coaching Volleyball Team Chemistry

Many coaches are in love with the premise of team chemistry. It’s a hot topic. At the highest levels, teams are investing big bucks for scientists to uncover the best combinations, going so far as DNA testing, personality evaluations, and a variety of tools and measurements to create the ultimate teams.

Of all the research available, in our opinion, the best and most easily applicable with the highest return comes from John Gottman’s research on couples. The relationship principles apply easily to teams. Quality teams have 5:1 positive interactions to negative. They resolve conflicts easily and with health. Conflicts bring them closer rather than more distanced. They greet each other with joy. Quality teams are unified. They eliminate cliques, alliances, or fragmented relating.

Team chemistry quiz for your volleyball team:

  • What is the energy like in the gym when players come together?
  • How do you talk about your team to others?
  • How does your team talk about each other?
  • How individually skilled is each athlete and what are you doing to elevate skill?
  • Do your most talented players love the members of their team?
  • Do the parents of your players love the other members of the team?
  • Are the goals for your team the same as your players' goals?
  • How wide is the gap between your goals and the goals of the parents in your program?
  • Is your culture (administration, students, parents, yourself) one of kindness or survival of the fittest?
  • How wide is the gap between the perceived level of talent a student and their stats?
  • What tools, resources, and ability do you have to close any gaps between task chemistry as well as social chemistry?

Hey NBC Volleyball Coaches, what we love about you is that you are both talented and full of love. You work to learn more about the game, you aspire to be the best coach you can be, you study how to lead and how to win. You also work to love deeply and create a kindness culture that is not anemic but rather transformational, healing, and vital to the world. We believe in you!

About NBC Volleyball
NBC Volleyball was founded in 1979 by Coach Fred Crowell and Kirk Kilgour. Located in Hawaii, California, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Alaska, Alberta., Arizona and Oregon, NBC Volleyball provides volleyball instruction and character development training for athletes. For more information about the program, visit www.nbcvolleyball.com.

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